Earth’s surface dream
Good morning.
Around 2:30 I woke up after having an amazing dream.
I was in such awe and wonder about what I saw.
It was beautiful, breathtaking, awe-inspiring, astonishing, and terrible.
I've been thinking about it all night.
In my dream, I was with many, many people and we were standing outside on a clear day or night(it was hard to say which).
We were all looking in the same direction like if you were standing on a beach and looking at the ocean.
At the edge where say the waters would start, there was the Earth's surface magnified immensely.
The way you see earth from space.
I had never seen anything like it.
Blues and greens so rich and mesmerizing - everyone was transfixed on it.
How could you not be?
Then all of a sudden the scene changed and darkness of clouds covered everything and people ran for shelter.
There was more that happened but what I wrote was what had/has me in awe still.
The first part of the dream is like what the scripture Psalms 24:1 says,
"The earth is the LORD'S, and all it contains, The world, and those who dwell in it."
The second part (even the first too) made me think of “And I will grant wonders in the sky above And signs on the earth below, Blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke. The sun will be turned into darkness And the moon into blood, Before the great and glorious day of the Lord shall come. And it shall be that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’” Acts 2:19-21 NASB1995
“For behold, darkness will cover the earth And deep darkness the peoples;
But the Lord will rise upon you And His glory will appear upon you.” Isaiah 60:2 NASB1995
God brings wonder and hope to our hearts and minds continually.
He surprises me constantly and wonderfully.
“And we know that the Son of God has come, and has given us understanding so that we may know Him who is true; and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life.” 1 John 5:20 NASB1995
Thank You Lord for dreams and all the ways You reveal Yourself to us.
For being the wonderful lifter of our heads and how You love us and see us.
Thank You for today and this moment and never leaving us.
You have me still this morning in awe and deeply moved by Who You Are.
I love You Lord.
Around 2:30 I woke up after having an amazing dream.
I was in such awe and wonder about what I saw.
It was beautiful, breathtaking, awe-inspiring, astonishing, and terrible.
I've been thinking about it all night.
In my dream, I was with many, many people and we were standing outside on a clear day or night(it was hard to say which).
We were all looking in the same direction like if you were standing on a beach and looking at the ocean.
At the edge where say the waters would start, there was the Earth's surface magnified immensely.
The way you see earth from space.
I had never seen anything like it.
Blues and greens so rich and mesmerizing - everyone was transfixed on it.
How could you not be?
Then all of a sudden the scene changed and darkness of clouds covered everything and people ran for shelter.
There was more that happened but what I wrote was what had/has me in awe still.
The first part of the dream is like what the scripture Psalms 24:1 says,
"The earth is the LORD'S, and all it contains, The world, and those who dwell in it."
The second part (even the first too) made me think of “And I will grant wonders in the sky above And signs on the earth below, Blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke. The sun will be turned into darkness And the moon into blood, Before the great and glorious day of the Lord shall come. And it shall be that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’” Acts 2:19-21 NASB1995
“For behold, darkness will cover the earth And deep darkness the peoples;
But the Lord will rise upon you And His glory will appear upon you.” Isaiah 60:2 NASB1995
God brings wonder and hope to our hearts and minds continually.
He surprises me constantly and wonderfully.
“And we know that the Son of God has come, and has given us understanding so that we may know Him who is true; and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life.” 1 John 5:20 NASB1995
Thank You Lord for dreams and all the ways You reveal Yourself to us.
For being the wonderful lifter of our heads and how You love us and see us.
Thank You for today and this moment and never leaving us.
You have me still this morning in awe and deeply moved by Who You Are.
I love You Lord.