In a good way

"Looking at him, Jesus loved him and said to him"...
Has Jesus ever looked at you?
The look of Jesus transforms and transfixes."-Oswald Chambers

Have you noticed how much I love his writings?
I glean so much from Mr. Chambers.
I love how Jesus looks at me in a way nobody else can or does.
He always speaks the truth to us.
He loves us so intimately and perfectly-it makes the tears well up in my eyes when I ponder His perfect love.
It is His (perfect)love that casts out fear.
It was His love that gave us His only Son.
It was His love that took my hand and rescued me!

My friend Jeni spoke words about how she sees me and I was taken aback by what she said.
It made me think of the value and importance of telling people the appreciation we have for them.
Or the attributes we see in them.
I really cherish Jeni's words to me here.
She has been such an encouragement to my life.
Thank you God for Jeni❤


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