My Shepherd

"We do not go out alone into any endeavor.
as we talk with anyone, anywhere, One whom we do not see, but He Who is truly there goes before us.
His Presence guides are poor endeavors,
and makes the little that we do effective, but perhaps we do not see that it is so."
-Amy Carmichael

There is a song by the Paper Kites titled "Lonely" that I love.
The pause or the silence before the beginning note is one thing I love because I know the very first strum of the guitar is going to be released into the air that I also love.
There is a silence that I love and a strum that I love.
I love the harmony and melody between the two singers. Their gentle voices(‭‭1 Kings‬ ‭19‬:‭12‬)
I love the bridge where Sam Bentley sings solo.
It just flows beautifully.
But how beautiful and absolutely joyous to know God is with us and that we are not alone.
He is there before our breath, during and in deeper ways we can't understand.
He is writing this beautiful loving song in our hearts and minds and lives when we fully serender all.
My life is not my own, I want Him to write the melody because He makes all things Light and True and lovely and yes Lord, whatever Your will shall be.
He is with me always. I treasure His Words(Matthew 28:20)

“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures;(the green, green valleys) He leads me beside quiet waters.
He restoreth my soul
His Words of Life to us.
I'm grateful for the people He puts in our lives to encourage us or gently nudge us on for His glory.
Lord bless you, if you are one of those.


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