And....I love you

“Since you are precious in My sight, Since you are honored and I love you, I will give other men in your place and other peoples in exchange for your life.” ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭43:4‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬

When I read these words from the Holy Father of grace, it stops me. I have to pause and maybe slightly take it in again and again, like a painless sliver making its way further in the skin.
To be told I'm precious by God, to see the words written, I love you, I have to pause and ponder these wondrous wonderful truths.
I remember the first time my dad told me he loved me.
I don't remember my dad before I was the age of 18 telling me he loved me or that I was precious to him.
I'm not sure if he was told that by his parents. I will have to ask him. My dad was leaving for work one day and I was down in my room. I think I was 18. I heard him say he was leaving and then he said he loved me.
I was stunned but answered back that I loved him too.
I know so many people never hear those words from their parents. My dad is 89 and lives in Northern Cali.
He sends me birthday cards and they have been more loving over the years, it brings tears to my eyes everytime I think about it. He doesn't say a lot in them but it is enough for me.
He was diagnosed with cancer before Thanksgiving of last year and has been having chemotherapy treatments.
I'm grateful to God for my dad. I'm grateful my older sister and I share the same faith and we tell him we are praying for him.

I love You too my gracious precious Holy Father of life.
I pray my dad would really see You beside him, that he would really lean on You for strength and healing, for grace and peace to be upon him in this very hour. Your mercy Lord Jesus, Your love poured forth.
How can I love my dad more Jesus, show me and I will do it.


Geoff said…
I sit here this morning reading this, tears spring forth from my eyes, because so many people need to hear this, because they do not hear it enough. They do not understand a parents love, they do not understand what true love is or what God's love is, because they are so precious to Him. God is so incredible and to bring forth such wonderful scriptures into view when we most need them in our own lives, to well up in us and remind us of just how much parents mean to us, like your father. I know that you would do anything for him, what a gift he has in you. You are a true gift from God and it is a blessing to be able to share that with you. I will pray for him and for you in the days to come. I understand the struggles and I know the hardships, just know I am standing with you in prayer.
It's true. It took a long time for me to know the truth about His love for me. Thank you for your prayers. That means so much to me, I cannot tell you.
Geoff said…
That is what friends are for. I have found in life that God has paths cross for a specific purpose, nothing happens by chance, no chance encounters, nothing happens by fluke or anything else. The people we come across all happens for a specific purpose a specific time in our lives. He will use it to show us something deeper we need to work on or show us something specific. We need to be willing to look, that is the problem with a lot of people today, they have blinders on, they are not willing to look, they only want to see what they are willing to see. If that makes sense, they see what they think they can, instead of seeing the mighty work of God. They don't realize how incredible and powerful of a Father we really serve and have. He is far greater than we can fathom. He has angels watching over us every day, but people don't seem to even believe that, because they are blinded by there own self worth. Thank you again for taking the time for reading my posts, for writing to me and for sharing with me your thoughts. Thank you for taking the time for responding to me, it has been a true blessing to me. Thank you for coming back and writing more, I have enjoyed seeing your beautiful pictures and reading your beautiful words and seeing how God is leading you and guiding you. The book you took a picture of is one of the ones my Mom use to read, just a reminder of her. Thank you again, you have no idea. You are on His path, keep pressing into Him and He will press into you.
Geoff said…
This morning as I prayed for you and your father, I got a strong sense to share with you, just to say that sometimes we paint God in a box and we want to see healing of the physical sense, but God has bigger plans, because something much deeper needs to be healed. I don't know you or your Dad, but I do know that God is at work in the spiritual sense of healing and He is moving in and thru you. What is happening in your Father may not be what you can see, but it is far greater than what you can expect. I know we want physical healing, but sometimes spiritual healing is so much greater than any physical than can take place. My step father was unable to truly speak on after his strokes, but he was able to sing, strange how our body works, the song he would sing, was Amazing Grace, I truly believe it was to teach the Aides that took care of him, his kids that came to see him, the people that didn't know God, that would see the love that Jesus had for him, because he was once lost, but now he would be set free, free to be with Jesus in a real sense. Sorry, that may not be what you want to hear, but sometimes in our grief we want healing and restoration, but God wants a deeper healing to take place in the hearts of our parents and a restoration of relationship between them and Him and them and us. That is what He may be doing in your father and more. God loves us so much, He wants to mend the broken hearted, repair relationships and heal, but we can't see passed our human healing word. I am sorry if this was a hard word. Please forgive me, you don't have to post this, you can delete this if you would like.
Thank you Geoff. I'm so grateful and humbled when people pray for me or my loved ones. When I pray for people, I pray for the soul, mind, body. I believe God can do all things and never want to limit Him by what I see. I always want His ways before my ways because He Is God, creator of all beings, and understands and knows and sees more than we can in this life. Yes, His ways are not our ways, His thoughts, etc. I want to cooperate with the Holy Spirit in this life so badly. To have that willing teachable heart. Completely surrendered to His will. It is not a hard word for me. I have had harder words spoken to me, and harder experiences than this one. It doesn't diminish the pain, but I know God is greater than anything I could go through and for anyone else going through hardships or troubles. God is fastened to me, He is faithful, I will keep looking to Him and remembering His promises and truths.

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