When you say good-bye to California What's the world coming to?


Geoff said…
You had to leave California? Where did God take you too? Sometimes moving from where we once were to somewhere new is scary, but when God is involved He has a greater plan than we even know. His plans are higher than our plans, ways are higher than our ways. What an amazing God we serve.

I am so thankful I stumbled on your blog so long ago.
Yes, after living in the Bay Area most of my life. It is very bittersweet for me. I thought about writing about when the Spirit leads. I've been pondering about it all. Moved to Kootenai County. It's beautiful here. God did lead, through dreams also He spoke. He told me to "leave this city behind you."

Thank you for your very timely encouragement. The leading of/from the Holy Spirit is always perfect. I pray God's many blessings over you, and continued healing with your heart concerning your precious loving mom.

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