Good morning!
Well, it is morning here anyway.
Good to you wherever you are today!
At whatever time.
God is amazing, God is good! God is wonderful and Faithful!
His name is Faithful and True, and we that are His children rejoice in His presence.
We have joy in His presence, through His Word, His Promises, and covenant, how He Loves, He loves!

I woke up this morning and the words His Light is here, His Light is there, His light is everywhere was on my heart.
I love dreaming in His presence and waking to His presence and I want others to have that as well.

I was exercising in His presence this morning, it was wonderful to be filled with His peace.

I love You, LORD!!!

I was looking through some of my past photos on Instagram this morning and really can see His eyes in them, I see His Spirit in them.
He inspired the ideas, He gave them to me and I followed through and put it out there.
His Light in me, Oh how I want that to increase more and more!
Yes, Lord!!
You are my Joy and I live for You, I belong to You, You are my Beloved.
Thank You for this day!

Let's tell Him today how wonderful, how marvelous He is, He just IS!!!!!


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