Beloved, there is nothing like the leading of the Holy Spirit and our obedience to Him.
There is a city park nearby where I walk my dogs and I often see a father there with his very young daughter. She is probably 3 or 4 in age. Very sweet connection between them. I often watch them together and how patient and loving he is to her, and how much she adores him. You can tell she is so at ease with him, as it should be. She trusts him, laughs with him. They enjoy one another. How precious is this to me to watch. I often smile as they relate to one another in love. Not too long ago, as I glanced up at them, I could see our heavenly Father showing me something. The little girls father was walking ahead and showing her different things he had found and called her over to show her. He would walk a few steps and she would follow paying close attention to what he wanted to show her.
This is what I believe God does for us. When something catches my eye, I usually take a photo. Sometimes I don't know why, I am just inspired to do it.
I know the Holy Spirit inspires me, we partner together and God's glory is shown, at least that is my desire. I am praying my talents or gifts are always used for His glory!
This morning, I was watching a Youtube video of a song I just heard yesterday. The song was so inspiring from beginning to the end for me. So as I watched all of the emotions built up inside of me and I found so easy my tears flowing. And there was an image in the video and it looked familiar to me. I had done a series of photos exactly like what they did in the video. I found the photos, they were taken in 2015, and there was this instant connection when I saw the video to my own inspiration of light.
We are drawn to the light because He IS the Light of the world, He is our inspiration because He is the creator of all things Good. The sunset, the sunrise, the moon and stars, the trees, the ocean, we all love His divine touch, His spoken word that created it all. Glory be to the Father, Glory be to the Son! I love His ways, all that He shows me I want to look and see and hear what He has for me, and to give to others. Father, open our spiritual eyes and ears more and more. Thank you Father.


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