Father, good morning and I love You. I love who You are and who You remind me I am. I am so loved by You, thank You Father for loving so well. Thank You Jesus for being my advocate, for me being Your bride, for being my Champion and strength. Thank You Holy Spirit for helping me, for Holy guidance and care. May You Lord God be glorified today! In all of Your children! Thank You for the full assurance in Your name. For Your complete truths unbreakable, everlasting. Bringing hope to so many, by faith I rejoice in Hope, the complete Hope in You. I know who made the sunrise and sunset! Everyday in every area of the Earth Father, you made the gorgeous sky full of colors and clouds not created through human hands. We may take the pictures and post them, but we cannot take the credit of their beauty, the beauty comes from a beautiful creator who loves to love us!! And I desire to love You more, as I age Father may I just gush over to others the agape love you pour out to me. May there be such strong evidence and fruit of everything about You! Oh Father, my Father we need You so much. I long to be with You, so close to You. Feeling Your arms around me holding me close, to feel Your breath and comfort. I love all of who You are. Thank You for this day to be close to You. Oh how it would be to see others giving You glory who have yet to do so. Give us eyes to see and ears to hear, humility to the one true King full of love and compassion. Thank You, thank You. Joshua 1:12 The Lord said to me, “You have seen correctly, for I am watching to see that my word is fulfilled.” Thank You for watching over me and many others. You are Faithful Father, always Faithful!


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