I Hold You So Close
Nothing like going to bed singing part of a Psalm, and then waking up to that very psalm in your daily reading plan. I love that!
I've been listening to two songs the last few days. Both by JT Daly. The first one is called No Other, the second is Children of God. I don't know why these two have such an attachment to my fancy. They just do. I guess the lyric and emotion in them are just right. Guess that is how it all works.
On a different note. Do you ever have a person in your thoughts, and that person keeps coming to your mind? I was wondering what you do with that. Do you think of that person and move on with your day. Or do you stop and call, text, email, write them? If you can't do any of those for various of reasons, do you pray if you pray? I have found usually that person who is in your thoughts needs to be reached out to in some way. I can't tell you how many times when I have followed through, and the person would say, "You have no idea how much I needed that", or "You have been on my mind lately", or "Thank you for thinking of me".
About a year ago, I felt like God put it in my mind and heart that that year was the year of my friends. I was to really reach out and give. It didn't have to be huge, just encouraging thoughts of love sent their way, whatever God put in my heart for that day. The year of less self. I don't believe it was a one time thing, it was just at that time that message was really strong to me.
I still take the time, I really make myself aware mostly in the morning to text whatever God has wanted me to share. I'm sure I miss the mark some if not a lot. But, I believe in God's patience for me and in my growth. And a really huge thing for me is not having high or any expectations from people. Not to say I don't get disappointed at times, I do. But, my expectations on a flawed human is just not happening. In God I have expectations because He is God. He is faithful and just, no sin in Him.
On a another subject. I have a lot on my heart (when don't I), I don't know about you, but life can be pretty tough. And it can be so wonderful. My sister esp. is on my heart these days. Her husband has been ill for years, and he isn't getting better unless God works a miracle in his life. I have been praying. It is so hard to be so far away from my sister during this time. My heart aches and longs to hug her daily! To walk with her and sing with her. I pray one day we will live closer to each other. But, until then I will continue to encourage her with God's help and pray for her. If you would pray for her husband, his name is Keith. He has Mitochondrial disease, and possibly some rare form of M.S. Thank you if you do. I pray you are well.