Everything that has Breath Praise the Lord!

I just woke up. My eyes are a bit blurred, and as I lie here in my warm comfortable bed, the words I woke up to were the ones above. I have been reading each morning from the youversion's daily study. I'm more than 80% done and have enjoyed my time going through the one year bible. But getting back to the title, that is my joy, to wake up to thankfulness! To wake up and be given another day of life is not to be taken for granted. The older I get, the more I see, the sadness in people's lives, the diseases. The quarrels and conflicts, hmmm where am I going with this? Even with all of life's trials, God wants me alive right now, He wants me to love people, to learn who He is more and more. And I have! He has a plan for my life and as long as I have breath then let it be with to praise Him in all that I do, I have yet to be completely surrendered to Him, but I still need to press on and fight the good fight. To have the want to ( as Beth Moore would say) and to be thankful for today and open to what God desires of my life. Not easy, prone to wander Lord I feel it prone to leave the God I love! May it never be, who loves me more? Man or God? I'm very thankful not to dwell on my past anymore, but to live now. To love now, to be thankful. We have a God who loves us, who wants fellowship with us, wants what is good for us. What are you thankful for? This is all my heart speaking, I started writing again because I'm not good at it haha! I mean my communication skills are not the greatest but I try :)
I am more of a person of solitude, although I do enjoy being with people too. I just needed a place to better express my thoughts. I hope today is a blessing to whoever might see this. You are dearly loved. Enjoy today!


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