Weeping may last for the night, But a shout of joy comes in the morning

Redeeming Love, by Francine Rivers
I just finished reading it.
Someone lent their copy to me 2 years ago.
I let it sit, and put it in my drawer never really intended to read it.
I don't know, I don't read too much.
I do enjoy a good book, but I get restless.
That is why I love music so much, I can move around and listen.
So, why did I finally decide to read the book finally?
People, well women have been always asking me if I have ever read it and recommended it.
2 weeks ago, I had a contact on Flickr tell me she loved it.
I told her I had a copy and she encouraged me to read it.
I finally started it and found myself completely, well, speechless.
I could relate to the main character like a reflection of some things I felt.
I have been reading for 2 weeks, here and there.
Some nights, staying up late.
Some days leaving it alone, not wanting it to end, and not wanting to see what God wanted me to see.
I learned so much about myself, so much.
It is still all sinking in.
Maybe for awhile.
This book will go up on my top favorites next to Hinds Feet On High Places.
The author wrote something that hit me over the head.
She said, "I used to believe the purpose in life is to find happiness. I don't believe that anymore.
I believe we are all given gifts from our Father, and that our purpose is to offer them to Him. He knows how He
wants us to use them. I used to struggle to find happiness. I used to work hard to attain it. By the world's standards, I was successful. But it was all meaningless vanity. Now, I have joy. I have everything I ever wanted or dreamed of having: a love that is so precious I can find no words to describe it. I haven't achieved this through my own efforts. I certainly have done nothing worthy to earn it or even deserve it. I have received it as a free gift from the Lord, the everlasting God. It is the same gift He offers you, every minute, every hour, every day of your life."

Now to live it, breathe it, drink it, eat it.
Milk, does a body good.
Faith, Hope, Love, does a soul good.

p.s. have I learned now to not wait to read a book? Maybe. Maybe it was meant to be read now.


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