It's John Mayer day!!
Didn't ya know??
Well, tomorrow is St. Paddy's Day, and I'm feeling a wee bit on the wee side instinctively.
What does this all have to do with it being John Mayer day?
Ha! Absolutely nothing!
That is just the beauty of it all.
It is just John Mayer day here in my wee little big hair head.
I have bbbbbbbeen listening to him all morning, or mornin'.
Soon to be afternoon!
Then dinnie time or evening.
Then beddie bye time, then St. Paddy's Day.
No more John Mayer day.
Is he Irish?
Maybe. I don't get too into the celebrity thing, just the music.
Why this song?
I just think it is swellllllllllll.
Plus I think it fits my moooooooood.
No, haven't had any caffeine.
Just maybe too much John?????
No, not Jon as in Jon Foreman, never get flighty listening to him!
I wonder who else is listening to this same song.
p.s. How many popsicles do you think John Mayer can fit in his mouth when he sings?
Just wondering.
Well, tomorrow is St. Paddy's Day, and I'm feeling a wee bit on the wee side instinctively.
What does this all have to do with it being John Mayer day?
Ha! Absolutely nothing!
That is just the beauty of it all.
It is just John Mayer day here in my wee little big hair head.
I have bbbbbbbeen listening to him all morning, or mornin'.
Soon to be afternoon!
Then dinnie time or evening.
Then beddie bye time, then St. Paddy's Day.
No more John Mayer day.
Is he Irish?
Maybe. I don't get too into the celebrity thing, just the music.
Why this song?
I just think it is swellllllllllll.
Plus I think it fits my moooooooood.
No, haven't had any caffeine.
Just maybe too much John?????
No, not Jon as in Jon Foreman, never get flighty listening to him!
I wonder who else is listening to this same song.
p.s. How many popsicles do you think John Mayer can fit in his mouth when he sings?
Just wondering.
He can make crazy mouth gymnastics all he wants.